Arduino Serial Write Array

  1. Arduino Serial Write Float Array
  2. Arduino Serial Write Buffer

Print (' Arduino memorized that you said: '); // loop through all bytes in the array and print them out for (serOutIndx= 0; serOutIndx. Serial.write(str) Serial.write(buf, len) Arduino Mega also supports: Serial1, Serial2, Serial3 (in place of Serial) Parameters. Val: a value to send as a single byte str: a string to send as a series of bytes buf: an array to send as a series of bytes len: the length of the buffer Returns. Byte write will return the number of bytes written.

The only thing better than sending signals to Processing is sending multiple signals, right? Sending multiple signals is often a stumbling block, though, because although sending values from multiple sensors is easy, handling them in the correct order on the other end can often be difficult.

You need:

  • An Arduino Uno

  • A breadboard

  • Two 10k ohm potentiometers

  • A pushbutton

  • A 10k ohm resistor

  • Jump wires


The circuit is a combination of three separate inputs. Although they all use the same power and ground, you can think of the inputs individually. Two potentiometers provide two values. These are wired in the same way you would wire a temperature sensor, with one side wired to 5V and the other wired to the analog input pin that is reading it as well as to GND via a resistor.

These could actually be replaced with any analog inputs with the appropriate resistors. The pushbutton provides a digital input as well. One side of the pushbutton is wired to 5V and the other is wired to the digital pin reading it as well as GND via a resistor.

How to set up the Arduino code

After you assemble your circuit, you need the appropriate software to use it. From the Arduino menu, choose File→Examples→04.Communication→SerialCallResponse. This sketch contains both Arduino code and the relevant Processing code for the sketch to work. The Processing code beneath the Arduino code is commented out to avoid interference with the Arduino sketch.

Arduino Serial Write Float Array

Upload this code to your Arduino.

How to set up the Processing code


You find the Processing code within multiline comment markers (/* */) at the bottom of the Arduino SerialCallResponse sketch. Copy the code within the comment markers into a new Processing sketch and save with an appropriate name.

Arduino Serial Write Buffer

Click the Run button to execute the Processing sketch, and an applet appears. The applet has a black background, and whenever you press the pushbutton, a white dot appears. Move the potentiometers to move the dot horizontally and vertically. When you release the pushbutton, the dot disappears.