In Java, we can use ProcessBuilder or Runtime.getRuntime.exec to execute external shell command: 1.
Categories: Java
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Español: compilar y ejecutar un programa Java usando el 'Símbolo de sistema', Português: Compilar e Executar um Programa Java Usando o Prompt de Comando, Italiano: Compilare ed Eseguire un Programma Java Utilizzando il Prompt dei Comandi, العربية: ترجمة وتشغيل برنامج جافا باستخدام سطر الأوامر, ไทย: Compile แล้วเปิดโปรแกรม Java จากใน Command Prompt, Nederlands: Een Java programma compileren en uitvoeren via de opdrachtprompt, Русский: компилировать и запускать программу Java с помощью командной строки, Bahasa Indonesia: Mengompilasi dan Menjalankan Program Java dengan Baris Perintah, Tiếng Việt: Biên dịch và thực thi Java bằng Command Prompt, 한국어: 커맨드창으로 자바 프로그램 컴파일 및 실행하는 법, Français: compiler et exécuter un programme Java en ligne de commande, Deutsch: Über die Kommandozeile Java Programme kompilieren und ausführen, 中文: 使用命令提示符编译和运行Java程序, हिन्दी: कमांड प्रॉम्प्ट पर जावा (Java) प्रोग्राम कम्पाइल (Compile) करें और चलाएँ, Türkçe: Java Programı Komut İstemi Kullanılarak Nasıl Derlenir ve Çalıştırılır
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How To Open Java In Cmd
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Compiling and running a java program is very easy after JDK installation. Following are the steps:
Update Java In Cmd
Open a command prompt window and go to the directory where you saved the java program ( Assume it's C:.
Type 'javac' and press enter to compile your code. If there are no errors in your code, the command prompt will take you to the next line (Assumption: The path variable is set).
Now, type ' java MyFirstJavaProgram ' to run your program.
You will be able to see the result printed on the window.